LOCATION: McConnell Springs Park in Lexington, Kentucky.

DATES: September 2020 - ONGOING
This series is inspired by the historical and natural significance of McConnell Springs Park, blending mythological storytelling with the park’s landscapes to explore themes of defying fate and carving one’s own path. Each image represents a new chapter in a larger narrative, where characters encounter challenges, draw upon ancient wisdom, and find their own way forward.
The park’s springs, caves, and lush greenery serve as more than just settings; they become active elements in the story. Places like the spring symbolize healing and renewal, while paths through the park reflect the unpredictable journey of life. Each location sparked an emotional response that helped shape the scenes, linking personal reflections with the stories of old myths. These spaces, paired with elements of Celtic mythology and medieval legend, form a world where past and present merge.
During my visits to the park, I photographed locations that inspired me and later sketched ideas for scenes based on the feelings and memories they evoked. I then photographed characters in my studio, using costumes and props to craft their poses, expressions, and gestures to align with the story. The characters are digitally composited into the scenes, allowing me to integrate them into the landscapes and enhance the atmosphere of each piece.
The characters in the series embody the theme of resisting fate and choosing a different path. Like the heroes of old myths, they face the unknown with a mix of courage and uncertainty, shaped by the natural world and the wisdom of the legends they encounter. They’re not merely passive figures but active participants in their own stories, reflecting the human desire to shape our destinies, even when faced with forces beyond our control.
The image below is a map of the park with images of each location before and after editing. Additionally I included information about my thoughts for each image. 
I also have an art list for this series here.
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